Indicators That Your Dog Is Completely In Love With You

Excited Greetings: When your dog greets you with enthusiasm, wagging their tail and showing excitement when you come home.

Following You Around: Dogs that follow you from room to room and stay close to your side are showing their attachment.

Physical Contact: Leaning against you, sitting on your lap, or snuggling up to you are all signs that your dog loves.

Eye Contact: When your dog makes prolonged eye contact with you, it's a sign of trust and affection.  

Bringing You Toys: If your dog brings you their favorite toys, they're showing their affection and trust. 

Licking You: Licking is a sign of affection and bonding. When your dog licks your face or hands, they're showing their love.

Relaxing With You: When your dog is relaxed and calm in your presence, lying down next to you or falling asleep on your lap.

Checking In on You: If your dog periodically checks in on you throughout the day, it shows they care about your well-being.

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