24 Things Parents Did in the ’50s and ’60s That Are No Longer Okay
Smoking Around Children: It was common for parents to smoke cigarettes in the house, car, and other enclosed spaces, exposing children to secondhand smoke.
Corporal Punishment: Spanking and other forms of physical discipline were widely accepted and practiced.
Car Safety: Car seats were not commonly used, and children often rode in the front seat or without seatbelts.
Leaving Children Unattended: It was normal for young children to be left alone at home or in the car while parents ran errands.
Limited Supervision: Children were allowed to roam the neighborhood unsupervised for hours, often without checking in with their parents.
Exposure to Harmful Substances: Asbestos and lead-based paints were commonly used in homes, exposing children to these harmful substances.
Unsafe Toys: Toys with small parts, sharp edges, and toxic materials were common and posed significant safety risks.
Unrestrained Discipline: Verbal abuse and shaming as forms of discipline were more widely accepted.