10 Best Border Flowers For Your Garden 

Lavender: Known for its fragrant spikes of purple flowers, lavender is excellent for borders due to its low maintenance and drought tolerance. 

Salvia: Salvia produces spikes of blue, red, pink, or white flowers that attract pollinators. It blooms from late spring to fall and adds height to borders.

Sedum: Sedums are drought-tolerant perennials with clusters of star-shaped flowers in pink, red, or white. 

Blanket Flower (Gaillardia): Blanket flowers have daisy-like flowers in shades of yellow, orange, and red with a blanket-like appearance.  

Russian Sage: Russian sage has aromatic silvery foliage and produces tall spikes of lavender-blue flowers.  

Daylilies: Daylilies come in various colors and bloom shapes, including yellow, orange, red, and pink.  

Penstemon: Penstemon, or beardtongue, has tubular flowers in shades of red, pink, purple, or white. 

Shasta Daisy: Shasta daisies have large, white, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers. They bloom from late spring to summer and are excellent for borders and cut flowers.

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