10 Most Obedient Dog Breed

Border Collie: Widely regarded as the most intelligent of all dogs, Border Collies are incredibly responsive and agile. 

German Shepherd: Known for their courage and dedication, German Shepherds are extremely obedient.

Golden Retriever: Besides being friendly and tolerant, Golden Retrievers are also very obedient. 

Labrador Retriever: Labs are not only friendly and good-natured but also highly trainable. They are commonly used as service dogs.

Poodle: Intelligent and gentle, Poodles of all sizes (Standard, Miniature, and Toy) are eager to please and quick to learn.

Australian Shepherd: Aussies are known for their high energy and remarkable intelligence. They are extremely trainable.

Shetland Sheepdog: This breed, often called the Sheltie, resembles a miniature Collie. They are bright and obedient.

Papillon: Don't let their small size fool you; Papillons have big brains and are highly obedient. 

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