12 Dog Breeds That Shouldn’t Be Left Alone for Long Periods

Chihuahua: Suffers from anxiety and can become destructive when left alone

German Shepherd: Highly intelligent and energetic, German Shepherds can get bored and destructive if left alone for more than a few hours

Beagle: Beagles are pack animals and can become anxious and engage in destructive behavior if left alone for more than 4-6 hours​

Siberian Husky: These pack animals crave companionship and can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for more than 8 hours

Dachshund: Leaving a Dachshund alone for more than 4 hours can lead to feelings of loneliness and stress

Bichon Frise: These affectionate dogs need constant human interaction and can develop anxiety issues when left alone for too long

Italian Greyhound: Bred for hunting, these dogs need plenty of exercise and can become anxious or destructive if left alone

Maltese: Used to being the center of attention, Maltese dogs can become resentful and anxious if left alone for extended periods

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