20 Things Real Friends Never Do, But Fake Friends Do
Betray Your Trust: Fake friends share your private information or secrets with others, while real friends keep your confidence.
Disrespect Your Boundaries: They overstep your personal boundaries and fail to respect your space, whereas real friends understand and honor them.
Only Reach Out When They Need Something: Fake friends contact you only when they need help or support, while real friends are there for you regularly, not just when it's convenient for them.
Gossip About You: They spread rumors or talk negatively about you behind your back, while real friends avoid gossip and speak positively about you.
Dismiss Your Feelings: Fake friends minimize or ignore your emotions and struggles, whereas real friends listen and offer genuine support.
Compete with You: They feel envious of your achievements and try to undermine or compete with you, while real friends celebrate your successes and cheer you on.
Frequent Last-Minute Cancellations: Fake friends cancel plans frequently without a valid reason, while real friends make an effort to keep commitments.
Manipulate You: They use manipulation to get what they want or to make you feel guilty, whereas real friends are honest and straightforward.