7 Ordering Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Starbucks Drinks

Ordering Too Many Modifications - Excessive changes can alter the drink’s intended flavor balance and may lead to an unsatisfactory taste.

Choosing the Wrong Milk - Opting for milk with high sugar content or not specifying your preference can affect the drink's flavor.

Forgetting to Specify Temperature - Not indicating whether you want your drink hot or iced can result in a drink.

Overlooking the Size - Ordering the wrong size can impact the drink’s flavor concentration and overall experience.

Ignoring the Customization Options - Failing to use Starbucks' customization options, like adjusting sweetness.

Not Considering Ice Levels - Not specifying the amount of ice can lead to a drink that’s too diluted or not cold enough.

Skipping the Stir - For drinks with multiple layers or ingredients, not asking for a stir can result in uneven flavor distribution.

Neglecting to Check for Freshness - Sometimes, ingredients like syrups or milk might not be fresh, affecting the overall quality of your drink.

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