8 Best Kettlebell Workouts for Weight Loss, Fitness Experts Say

Kettlebell Swings: This full-body exercise targets the glutes, hamstrings, and core while boosting cardiovascular endurance.

Kettlebell Goblet Squats: Hold a kettlebell at chest height and perform squats. This move strengthens the legs.

Kettlebell Turkish Get-Ups: A complex movement that involves getting up from the ground while holding a kettlebell overhead.

Kettlebell Clean and Press: Start by cleaning the kettlebell to shoulder height, then press it overhead.

Kettlebell Deadlifts: With feet hip-width apart, lift the kettlebell from the ground while keeping your back flat and hips pushed back.

Kettlebell Renegade Rows: In a plank position with a kettlebell in each hand, alternate rowing the kettlebells towards your waist.

Kettlebell Russian Twists: Sit on the floor with knees bent and feet elevated, holding a kettlebell in front of you.

Kettlebell Lunges: Hold a kettlebell in each hand or at shoulder height and perform lunges forward or backward.

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