Border Collie: Highly intelligent and energetic, Border Collies require extensive mental and physical stimulation.
Jack Russell Terrier: Known for their high energy and strong prey drive, Jack Russells are very active.
Dachshund: While affectionate, Dachshunds can be quite vocal and stubborn, making them potentially challenging.
Siberian Husky: Huskies are known for their boundless energy, strong-willed nature, and need for regular exercise.
Australian Shepherd: With their high energy and intelligence, Australian Shepherds require a lot of physical and mental stimulation.
German Shepherd: While loyal and protective, German Shepherds are also very active and require significant training.
Weimaraner: Known for their high energy and need for constant exercise, Weimaraners may become restless.
Belgian Malinois: Similar to the German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois are highly active, intelligent, and require rigorous exercise.