9 Red Flags At A Pizza Shop That Should Send You Running

Dirty Dining Area - If the seating area is unclean, it suggests poor hygiene standards in the kitchen.

Unpleasant Odors - Bad smells can indicate spoiled ingredients or poor sanitation practices.

Unkempt Staff - Staff with dirty uniforms or poor hygiene may reflect the overall cleanliness of the restaurant.

Sticky Floors - Floors that are sticky or dirty hint at a lack of proper cleaning and maintenance.

Empty During Peak Hours - A pizza shop with no customers during typical busy times could be a sign of poor quality.

Outdated Health Inspection - An old or missing health inspection certificate can indicate non-compliance with safety regulations.

Dirty Restrooms - Unclean restrooms often reflect the restaurant's overall commitment to cleanliness.

Questionable Ingredients - Low-quality or cheap-looking ingredients, such as rubbery cheese.

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